Friday, September 25, 2009

The Collyer brothers Mansion In New York City.

Workers had to cut through the roof and lift out 136 tons of junk, floor by floor: the grand pianos, two organs, and a clavichord; human medical specimens preserved in a glass jars; the chassis of a Model-T Ford; a library of thousands of medical and... engineering books; an armory of weapons; gas chandeliers; the folding top of a horse drawn carriage; a rusted bicycle; three dressmaking dummies; a saw horse; a doll carriage; a rusted bed spring; a kerosene stove; a checkerboard; a child's chair; countless old newspapers; pinup girl photos; 6 U.S. flags and one Union Jack; a primitive X-Ray machine; and 34 bank deposit books with the balance totaling $3,007.18....does this sound like anybody we know?
I told Allan we have to get rid of the Ford!

1 comment:

  1. Well I must say this is a speechless awesome blog. The creation of this is fabulous. The colors,artwork,quotes and links is breathtaking.
    Hey Alan come fix my blog ok? Like when?
    Cheers, Hart
