Friday, March 19, 2010

Raven crosses the mother's path

I draw these little narrative art pieces on scrap upholstery.
I use conte pencils and crayon d'eche water colours.
I sometimes go around the drawing with indelible felt pen. 
I like sharpie pens for this.
this particular piece is reminiscent of one of my metal sculptures of a dog walking her baby dog 
with a human baby in the carriage as well.
in this narrative the woman is walking her baby and the huge raven is standing in her way.
the baby waves with glee and the mother is screaming...
she thinks the big bird is an omen.

Monday, March 15, 2010

forgetting to fly

this collage started as  a little tiny photo of a guy in front of a church with his bicycle.
I enlarged the photo and enhanced the colour and hue.
I then ran a page from a poetry book through the photocopier and printed the picture on top. 
the moth is a transparency that I overlaid at the last minute and liked how it relates to the title of the poem.
it was not planned i just ripped a page without looking when I choose to photocopy over it this is what I had. 
I would normally erase the print from the collage when it was in photoshop but I liked how the text related to the image...pure happenstance. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bare-Thighed Collage

5 step collage. 
torn page from a poetry book
enlarged stamp of a wasp.
beach transparency.
acetone transfer.